Root Android 5.1.1

There are many rooting tools which you are able to use to root your device. One of rooting tools is Kingroot. You have to know that the Kingroot is a tool to root which specially designed for Android device. If you are looking for the way to root your Android 5.1.1 or Android lollipop so we suggest you to use this rooting tool because this Kingroot is an awesome tool to root your Android device. In fact, there are also many people who use this Kingroot and they said that this rooting tool has many functions. Well, at the moment, in this article we are going to share how to root Android 5.1.1 lollipop without computer. Here, you are able to root it by using Kingroot APK. Let us see its way step by step in the text below.


  1. Firstly, you are able to download KingoRoot APK for free. The download is going to be automatically started to your Android device. Now, you are able to find it in “Download” on your phone. In this case, if Chrome has warned you about KingoRoot.apk, so you have to click “OK” to proceed.
  1. The second step, you have to install the KingoRoot APK. If you have already downloaded KingoRoot completely, so please install the apk file. In other case, sometime you are going to get some issues. To get rid of it, please follow the system instructions.

Install Blocked: Settings > Security > Unknown Sources > Check the box and allow.

  1. The next step, you are able to tap the icon of Kingroot and then please click “One Click Root” to use the KingoRoot APK to root your device running Android 5.1.1 lollipop.
  2. In this step, you have to ensure that you have the stable internet connection once rooting with Kingo Root.You have to know that the rooting scripts are stored in Kingo’s server. So, KingoRoot apk is going to fail to root your device without it.
  3. Now, you have to wait the process of rooting until finish. Usually, it needs only a few minutes.
  4. Finally, you are going to get the result of rooting. In this case, if the root is success, so you are able to see the statement which says that root succeeded. But it is not probably if you get failed in rooting your Android device. We suggest you to try root again until you are able to root your Android device successfully.

This is the way to root Android 5.1.1 lollipop by using Kingroot APK. As we said before that this way is very easy fast and safe way. However, if you do not interesting to root your device by using Kingroot APK or you still get failed, so you are able to root your device with Kingroot on PC version which has a much higher success rate for technical reasons. To know its way, you are able to read other article in our website.

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